2025 Anemones for Mental Health Fundraiser

Please help support the Mental Health Association in Ulster County, Inc. through the Anemones for Mental Health Fundraiser.

Your donation will help to support community based services such as: care coordination, respite, adult day programs, adult housing services, support groups and many others at the Mental Health Association in Ulster County.

Bouquets of ten anemones will be sold for $15.00 each.  There is a minimum order of 10 bouquets to guarantee delivery in Ulster County.  Orders of less than 10 bouquets will be available to be picked up at the MHA office located at 221 Tuytenbridge Road, Lake Katrine.

Contact Chris Decker with any questions.  You can place an online order here.

School Orders:

Orders must be in by Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

MHA will deliver anemones to schools on Thursday February 20, with a snow date of Friday, February 21.

You can find an order form here and informational flyer here.  If possible, please post the flyer in your workplace.


Individual and Business Orders:

Orders must be in by February 18, 2025.

MHA will deliver anemones on Thursday, February 27 with a snow date of Friday, February 28.

You can find an order form here and informational flyer here.   If possible, please post the flyer in your workplace.