Wellness Services

The Wellness Services Departments overlying mission is to provide support, information/referral, advocacy, and a continuum of psychiatric rehabilitative services to adults who have a major psychiatric disability and/or a developmental disability diagnosis.  These services are also offered to the consumer’s family, health care professionals in the county and the general public.  The goal of all departmental activities is to assist participants in realizing individual educational, recreational, vocational and social goals in the most natural and meaningful setting.  The focus of the program is for our participants to achieve physical and psychological wellness. We also heavily emphasize social integration and community inclusion.

The Clifford Beers Center of the Mental Health Association in Ulster County, Inc. has been operating since 1995.  It is the main service delivery point for the programs of the Wellness Services Department offering a learning and leisure center within an integrated delivery system of other services.  Our Wellness Services Department oversees the Wellness Program, Compeer Program, Supported Education Program, and Wellness Resource Coordination.

For information about or to utilize the following services please call 845-339-9090 OR email wellnessinfo@mhainulster.com

Wellness Services Referral Form

Information & Referral

Wellness Resource Coordination (Walk ins also welcome!)

Support Groups and Workshops

Wellness Program

RAH Program (for FSS eligible OPWDD participants)

Compeer Volunteer Program

HCBS Programming


For information about our ACES Program please contact our ACES Coordinator at:

Office: (845)-687-5073

Cell: (845) 383-0975

Email: wellnessinfo@mhainulster.com