Download the Ulster County SPEAK Ap Today

Martha Steuding, MHA Director of Education and Advocacy and Ulster County Executive Mike Hein.

If you haven’t already done so make sure you download the Ulster County SPEAK app today.  This is a smart phone app that helps users identify the warning signs of suicide and gives them options to get help.  The app, called Ulster County SPEAK, is available for free on iPhones and Google play.

The development of the app was a joint effort by the Mental Health Association, Family of Woodstock, The Ulster County SPEAK Committee, the MAC Works and the Ulster County Department of Health and Mental Health.

This is yet another tool to raise awareness and help prevent suicide in Ulster County.

Click Here for iTunes Version

Click Here for Google Play Version

The SPEAK suicide awareness and prevention app is designed to help users easily access and recognize the signs of suicide in friends and family and get them the help they need, fast. It’s not a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment, but rather a “first line of defense” that offers people some solid information and useful tools that they can use to help someone they love make it through a difficult time.