Bring Holiday Cheer to People with Mental Health Issues

Please join us by participating in the MHA Holiday gift giving program.  We are once again collecting new, unwrapped gifts to be distributed during the holiday season, to people of all ages in our community-based programs and MHA residences in Ulster County.

Please click here to donate by credit card.  You can designate what program the donation goes to at the bottom of the page.

For people who are separated from their loved ones during the holidays and to many without families or friends, this gift may be the only one they will receive.  A gift from you through the Mental Health Association’s Presents for Patients gift drive has special meaning.

Please send or drop off new, unwrapped gifts to the MHA Front Desk on the adult side at 300 Aaron Court, Kingston.  We are also accepting monetary donations to purchase gifts.

Click here for an informational brochure or here for a flier.  For further information e-mail or call MHA Resource Development at 845-336-4747 ext.1102.  Thank you in advance.

What: Annual Holiday Gift Drive

When: Now through December 11th

Who: Gifts will go to people of all ages in our community based programs, MHA residences and inpatient settings during the holiday season.

Why: This may be the only gift they receive.

Where: Gifts should be dropped off at the MHA Office, Adult Entrance, 300 Aaron Court, Kingston.